Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 1

And so it begins. Well today was productive to say the least. With my Dad in Phoenix and my Madre and Mer at the church all day I had more then enough time to get a few things done. Three loads of laundry were vanquished. The dirty dishes were conquered. The grand staircase, hallway, and guest bathroom were all polished and put in order. Spencer's truck windows were washed to get rid of the "Just Married" decorations. A little French was learned, a chapter of Screwtape read, and my sheet music for Trouble was bought and printed off. All before having a lovely meal of Veggie Frittia with my Mama. And I still got to take a nap, watch a movie, and somehow manage to still waste a bit of time on the computer. Typical. I'm quite certain that the best part about being alone in the house is not all the productive things you get done, but the fact that you can blast your music full volume while doing them. And maybe throw in a few ridiculous dance moves too..(We learned Beat It for a friend's's amazing how many songs you can do that dance to.)

My favorite part of today came around 5:30. I was cooking dinner and I heard my phone ring in the other room. I went to go see who it was but I had missed the call. Actually, I had missed 4 calls at that point all from the same number. I was a little confused because it was a 479 number and so I just assumed it was RazAlert on the fritz again. But on the 5th time I finally picked up. When I answered and said hello the person on the other end said, "Hi Ms. Kelly!" A name I only get called by a handful of people. Turns out it was one of my students from LifeSource; Daylan! He had called to tell me that he had gotten his football helmet and jersey. Which is really funny to me. When you look at Daylan you will probably think football. He is taller and bigger then all the other boys his age, so it is most likely assumed by most people that he is a player. When you actually know Daylan you figure out the he doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body. He is one of the biggest softies known to mankind. Despite that fact all the kids looked up to him merely because of his size. He could make some of the boys do their homework better than I ever could, just by looking over their shoulder. Anyway, he called me all excited about his helmet he just got. He also told me about summer practices, reassured me that his grades were improving and then had to go do homework. Even though we only chatted for a little while it pretty much made my day.
(Jadae, Deveny, me, and Daylan "Family" photo)

Well that was in general my day, I can reassure you I won't be blogging every day, I hope I don'y have that much time on my hands all the time, but I just figured I should post on the first day. I must say I had planned on reading some Harry Potter but I opted for Blood Diamond instead. I'm sorry Haley. I'll get on that soon! :)

Later friends!

Colossians 1:9-12,


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