Thursday, June 10, 2010

Caffine Headaches

Well hello there. I hope no one is anticipating a witty or insightful post. I feel like neither wit not insight will be present today. Not that they normally are, but I just wanted to clear that up early on so that you make go back to facebook surfing, or solitare, or really anything more productive-ish.

Glad we got that out of the way. Now for everyone who has decided to continue on in their reading, thank you. Shall we begin? Excellent. This week has been insanity. I thought about expounding on all that has been crammed in, clever thoughts I've had along the way(..well..I think they're clever...), musings and such, but so much has gone on that it would take you probably an hour to read and me 7-8 hours to type. That would be just nonsense, so instead I shall condense the week's general accomplishments. Since last Wednesday I have been in 34 hours of class (9 last Friday and Saturday and 25 more this Mon-Sat). I babysat 15 hours and spent about 2 hours a day in the car between my comings and goings. Sometimes more, very rarely less then that, and if less just by 15 minutes or so. So its been a little bit hectic to say the least. Good. Just crazy. The kids I've been watching are great. They're super chill and we just hang out and play games (Just a note: Candy Land will not be all that exciting if all of the destinations have been either lost or eaten by the dog. Also, never start to put the puzzle away unless you're positive that one last piece is gone for good, because then you'll find it after your puzzle is already half-destroyed.). So that has been a lot of fun (except when Ethan accidentally hit Leah in the face with his book while I was driving them to the library. I found out what rearview mirrors are really for, making sure no one has blood on them and to monitor for more potential incidents)

School has been good. I mean Biology is a drag, for sure. But science usually is for me. I have a hard time staying focused. My notes are currently scribbled all over with random doodles. Not the best way to reach my goal of getting an A, I know. I need to revert back to making pictures to match my notes so that I pay attention while I doodle. We'll see if that helps. I still love Communications. Seriously. Best class ever. That may just be me, but I get to constantly interact with my classmates, we talk and discuss, and they are some of the coolest, most interesting people. I'm the youngster and so I get to hear about all the cool things these people have done, and see all of their worldviews. We're never spending more then 45-min on one thing, and if we even work on one thing for that long, we're all participating, not just sitting on our rears listening. We don't just get lectured at. Instead we understand the material through interaction. I love talking, I love moving, and so I guess it makes sense that I love this class. Why is it that when we are in Kindergarten and the early grades that we get to do a lot of interactive school work and then the older we get the more we get away from that? If I could just interact with the material in all my classes like I've gotten to do in this class I think I could comprehend it and enjoy it more. It's not that the actual material in Biology is a drag, its that the lectures are just long and boring. It's hard to be excited about learning about something if it is boring. Anyway, just a thought, and something I'll apply when I teach, trying to make the material interactive. Which I think is easier when working with the little kiddos :) Anyway, now that I'm done with all of that, on to something maybe more interesting to the readers I have left.

This week I started reading Proverbs. I just finished 30 days through the Psalms, and with no other Bible study or anything to go through I decided to transition into Proverbs, it seemed like the natural thing to do. I've actually never read Proverbs before. I don't think I've ever even really sat down and read a full chapter of Proverbs except Proverbs 31, and only that in 7th grade because the girl discipling me wanted to go through it (a little over my head at that point, I wasn't exactly concerned with my home making skills and being a good wife at the ripe old age of 13). That seems suprising even to me, a little bit, that I've never read it before. I mean I'm fairly new to spending quality time in the word and having a real relationship with God (January 27th, 2007! So almost 3 1/2 years) But even so, seems like I should have my way over to Proverbs at some point before now. So far it has been so good. I mean reading it just makes me crave wisdom, or, really, at this point, I crave craving it. The way he talks about wisdom and the value of "her" (more precious then silver, or gold, or this week's babysitting pay check) is so convicting. The chapters always start out the same way-ish, talking about how the son should not turn from the father's words, how he should cling to them. Then it transitions into wisdom, or how to act wisely, and then they end with something about a fool in comparrision to the wise. Now, I'm basing this off the first 5 chapters, and so the format will probably change but so far that has been how it is set up. Proverbs 3:5-6 are so familiar, but then verse 7, a little less familiar, says "Never be wise in your own sight..." (Also in Romans 12 in the Marks of a True Christian section) . Which is so interesting to me. It's like all of Proverbs is about how you should crave wisdom and desire knowledge and pray heartily for both, but then it says you should never reach a point where you feel like you've arrived. I think of a quote that used to sit in our guest bathroom, it said "Humility is a strange thing, once you think you've got it, you've lost it." I guess wisdom is kind of like that. If you are sitting around thinking you are wise, you probably aren't. I've never thought about it before, but I feel like humility and wisdom go hand in hand. The more you know, the more you know how much you don't know. So the more wisdom you have the more humbled you are. I want that. I want to be wise so that I recognize how big of a fool I am. Seems like an oxymoron, or contridictory, but then at the same time, it makes complete sense. Of course there is always love, which intertwined to every aspect of our spiritual walk (seriously, you can't get away from it, Christianity without love just isn't Christianity) So if you act in humility, by loving others more than yourself, you gain wisdom. The more you gain wisdom, the more humbly you are going to act, and the more others will recieve love from your daily life. It's a vicious cycle, one I really wish my life was caught up in, but honestly isn't. But how do you jump in? Do you tackle pursuing wisdom? Or do you try to just stop being prideful all together and being more humble? Maybe it begins with love and putting others first? I honestly don't really know. I guess I'll try to hop on the ride somewhere around the love aspect. Putting others first is so difficult. It's just not the way we're wired. I think God made us all a certain way with certain desires so that we are always having to fight comfort zones and easy decisions.

Well, that was my week and just some thoughts from within it. I wouldn't imagine that I'm going to be writing a ton over these next few weeks. Also, my goals are pretty much going on hold right now. I've got to write 5 response papers, take 5 exams, 3 lab quizzes, 6 word quizzes, 2 lab practicums, 9 quizzes, 5 homework sections, and 17 chapters of work all before July 7th. And that is just Biology. I still have a 6-page paper due in Communications, a 9-minute long speech to write, and a major group presentation, and an exam, all of that before the 27th of June. So its going to probably be a little bit before Harry gets read, or French get spoken, or Trouble gets played! Ha. Well I hope you have a really good day and a good rest of the weekend. Thanks for reading!!

Proverbs 19:21-22

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