Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A new post

So its been a little bit since I last gave any sort of real update...so here it goes....

Did I say I wanted an A in Biology?...*cough*....Ummm I think what I meant was I would like to PASS Biology. Seriously. I'm struggling. It isn't so much that the material is just that difficult, but that I just don't have a lot time to retain it all. I've just had to kind of tackle one thing at a time, so quizzes and unit work along with labs Mon-Wed, speeches and Communication assignments Thur-Sat, and then Sunday I use to study for my Bio exams. BUT I am nearly done with Communications! One 9-minute speech and an exam and I'll be finished! Whoot!!! :) Anyway, no one really wants to read all this. It's a drag. So. Moving on.

The goals are at a stand still right now, with the exclusion of loving on the kids I babysit for and trying to make an A in both classes (trying being the key word. Ha.) I'm still on page like 500 of Harry Potter, the 4th one. I still have only read 3 chapters of Screwtape. I'm still in the very beginning of French. I still have not touched the piano. I'm still only through the 6th verse of Psalm 103. My house is messy messy messy. And I haven't cooked in weeks. To all the mothers out there that balance all these things normally, my hat goes off to you. Y'all are my heroines. I have the month of July that calms down in terms of school and I'll see what I can do about conquering everything. I never really thought I'd look forward to normal semester classes so much.

Proverbs has been really great recently (how's that for a transition sentence?) I'm on chapter 15 as of today and its turned from long bits of instruction on adultrey and wisdom and now it has become just a lot of short snipets on wisdom and the fool. One of the things that has stood out to me the most is the instruction to seek counselors. It talks a lot about how the fool won't take instruction or critisim but the wise accept it freely, even seek it out! Just gonna be real honest right now, I am a big fool when it comes to this. My way is right in my eyes and I rarely seek guidance or ask for help. I mean this is in even the littlest things. If I am lost I will circle around for an hour before asking someone for help. I want to figure it out on my own. When Hope and I started playing basketball for our new team her senior year we had games all over the metroplex. They would be hours away a lot of times and so we were lost frequently. I always trusted my inner compass, and my inner compass was very often broken. But I would say things with enough conviction that Hope would believe me and we would find ourselves in the most random places ever. On the bright side we learned all about Dallas roads and navigating them! On the not bright side, I tend to apply this to everything, and that makes me a fool. Very much so, too. A lot of times I just won't open my mouth about things I'm struggling with, or decsions that could use some insight to be made, because I think/know that eventually it will work out and I want to be able to have solved it on my own. I'm so decided and opinionated about things I don't have the slightest clue about. I'm so set in what I think that I rarely listen to wisdom from others. I guess this is a confession of what a dummy I've been. A confession is no good if it doesn't lead to repentance, though. I'm not really sure where to start, Hope is going to be helping me out a bit, because she is much smarter than me and typically has a better gauge of right and wrong. Repentance that leads to action is really what needs to be happening. I guess I can start by admitting that I just don't know. I just can't see everything and I definitely people like all of y'all helping me out and giving me guidance. I guess it will be hard to swallow at first because I'll have to swallow my pride too, but it really needs to be happening in my life right now.

Well, I hope that you guys are having a great week!!! Enjoy the rest of your day!

Colossians 3:12-17


  1. I'm guessing you are readin through the ESV study Bible reading plan....because I am and I've been reading through that section of Proverbs too. Either way, I liked that you made those connections with it. Sometimes I just read Proverbs and think..wow that's really a cool word. And then never think it might actually apply to me...we are fools.

    Appreciate your blogging. You are more dedicated than I am. See you sometime this summer....maybe.

  2. Well I'm reading in ESV, but I'm not reading a program, just reading a chapter a day. I used one of the reading programs in the back for the Psalms though, which was solid. Ah that is crazy that you're reading through Proverbs too. Hope is in Alaska and just so happens to be reading through Proverbs too and we didn't realize we were both doing it till she read my blog. Seems like it is the month for Proverbs, huh? Ha.

    Ah no problem. I try. Ha. What is your blog link?? I want to follow. And we will. Atleast once. Maybe only from a distance where we wave at each other, but we'll see one another. No doubt.
